US contacted the Hungarian government about the Russian hacker attack, US envoy says

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David Pressman: The US has been in contact with the Hungarian government over the Russian hacker attack

RTL Klub asked US Ambassador David Pressman about the Russian hacker attack on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade two years ago. Pressman said the US has been in contact with the Hungarian government for some time over the Russian hacker attack."This incident shows the threat that Russia poses to our allies, the threat that Russia poses to the region, and the level of seriousness with which we need to respond."

Internal documents prove that Foreign Minister Peter Szijjártó knew hackers close to the Russian government successfully targeted the Ministry's IT network. However, before the 2022 parliamentary elections, the Foreign Ministry and several Fidesz politicians called the news a "campaign lie". 

Authenticity of letter warning of Russian cyber-attack was "not denied" at National Security Committee meeting

The National Security Committee of the National Assembly asked the heads of the domestic services and the State Secretary overseeing them to report on the Russian hacker attack on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The head of the committee, Zoltán Sas, a right-wing MEP, told RTL Klub that during the closed session, he asked whether the letter published by 444 was authentic. "No one has denied that this letter was indeed written by the former Director-General and received by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs," he said.

Orban spreads misinformation about Fico's attack, calling the shooter a 'progressive leftist'

Speaking on state radio, Hungary's far-right Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, labeled the person who shot Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico as a “progressive leftist, pro-war” figure. This statement comes amidst reports suggesting that the label is a mistranslation. The Slovak adjective “levický,” indicates someone from the town of Léva, which has been misinterpreted by several translation programs as “left-wing” (“ľavicový”).

“We are praying for Prime Minister Fico, we are rooting for him, we wish him a speedy recovery,” Orbán said. He also added that the timing of Fico's attack may have adverse effects on the upcoming European Parliament elections. Fico's absence is particularly detrimental, Orbán suggested, as his "pro-peace" stance is crucial. “We would have needed a Robert Fico for this fight,” he added.

Speaking about the Ukraine conflict, Orbán voiced concerns over the human and economic toll and emphasized the need to “confront the Soros empire, and if necessary, US foreign policy,” to push for renewed negotiations.

NGOs campaigning for Fidesz candidates receive substantial public funds

Civil organizations backing Hungary's ruling Fidesz party are receiving funds from multiple public sources, investigative outlet Átlátszó reports. The Urban Civil Fund (Városi Civil Alap), one of the country's largest public programs for NGOs, is reportedly being leveraged to finance groups linked to local leaders of the ruling Fidesz party.

Data from Hungary’s official election database reveals that in several towns, publicly-funded organizations are listed on the ballot, endorsing Fidesz candidates. A notable example is the National Forum Association, headed by Fidesz MP Sándor Lezsák. Additional funding sources include the National Cooperation Fund (Nemzeti Együttműködési Alap, NEA) and the now-defunct Ministry of Human Resources.

The report suggests this represents just a fraction of the covert campaign funding. “Dozens of other state-funded GONGOs also contribute to the local campaigns of the ruling parties, even though their names do not appear on the ballots,” the report states, indicating a broader strategy of financial support for Fidesz-affiliated candidates through ostensibly independent organizations.