Hungarian citizen arrested on charges of conspiring to export US military grade radios to Russia

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Mother of arrested Hungarian national used to work for Foreign Ministry's Moscow office

A 46-year-old Hungarian citizen, Bence Horvath was arrested in San Francisco on Monday on charges, that he conspired with others to illegally export U.S.-origin radio communications technology to Russian government end users without a license, a press release by the US Attorney's Office at the District of Columbia revealed.  

According to 444. hu. Horvath has ties to high-level Hungarian diplomatic circles. Horvath's mother previously worked as the head of the office for a Hungarian Foreign Ministry-affiliated company. She was also the official supplier of Motorola communications equipment to the Russian Interior Ministry.  Horvath. faces allegations of attempting to export American-made Motorola radio transceivers to Russia without a license. The devices, intended for Russian state use, were reportedly being funneled through various shell companies. This operation came under scrutiny from US authorities who suspect these transactions were part of a broader scheme to supply the Russian government with restricted technology.

The link between Bence H. and his mother’s past roles raises questions about potential connections between the smuggling activities and the high-profile Hungarian state institutions. The mother, Margarita Ficzere Horváth, was also involved in the Hungarian Export Development Agency (HEPA) and was instrumental in opening the agency’s Moscow office in December 2019.

David Pressman: Orban's peace mission was just a performance

US Ambassador David Pressman visited Ukrainian refugees in Esztergom. After visiting the building where they are temporarily staying, he spoke to some Transcarpathian refugees and answered questions from the press.

444. hu asked Pressman what he thought about Viktor Orbán's claim that the United States "could bring peace to Ukraine tomorrow if it wanted to". The US envoy said peace would be possible tomorrow if Vladimir Putin stopped the war. "Because this is the Russian president's war," he added. Pressman said it is important that all their allies are aware that the war in Ukraine could end today. But only Putin can make that decision. 

Pressman also touched on Orban's so-called "peace mission". He said he thought the Hungarian Prime Minister's trip to Moscow was just a performance and he is not sure that anyone will follow Orbán's peace mission. 

Fidesz MEP Balázs Győrffy resigns following assaulting a woman

Balázs Győrffy, a Member of the European Parliament from Fidesz, has resigned from all his political roles and left the party following an incident in which he assaulted a woman while under the influence. Győrffy acknowledged his actions on his Facebook page (the post since has been removed).

"What I did is unacceptable and intolerable. I am deeply sorry for what I did. Although, unfortunately, I have no recollection of what happened.". He also writes that there is no place for him in public life after what happened. “I am resigning from all my public positions, including my mandate as an MEP, and the presidency of the National Chamber of Agriculture and I am leaving Fidesz. It is the least I should do in this situation.” Győrffy also added that he accepts all legal consequences.

Hungarian tabloid Blikk reported, that  Győrffy is now under investigation by the Central Investigating Prosecutor's Office (KNYF) on charges of disorderly conduct and aggravated assault. 

Hungarian government misses European Commission's deadline over Russian visa concerns

Hungary’s government downplayed security concerns about extending its national card scheme to Russian and Belarusian nationals, despite missing a deadline set by the European Commission for addressing these issues.

In a letter to EU Home Affairs Commissioner Ylva Johansson, Hungarian Interior Minister Sándor Pintér affirmed that the national card scheme will adhere to EU regulations and consider potential security risks. Pintér’s correspondence stressed Hungary’s commitment to safeguarding national security and the Schengen area.

The Hungarian response follows growing scrutiny over the easing of entry restrictions for individuals from Russia and Belarus, raising questions about the potential implications for European security.

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