Trump quotes Orban during presidential debate

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Donald Trump touts Hungarian PM during debate with Kamala Harris

Tuesday night during his presidential debate with Vice President Kamala Harris, former President Donald Trump quoted Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban when Harris stated that world leaders are "laughing" at the Republican candidate.

"Let me just tell you about world leaders. Viktor Orban, one of the most respected men -- they call him a strong man. He's a tough person. Smart. Prime Minister of Hungary. They said why is the whole world blowing up? Three years ago it wasn't. Why is it blowing up? He said because you need Trump back as president," Trump touted his conversation with the Hungarian leader."They were afraid of him. China was afraid. And I don't like to use the word afraid but I'm just quoting him. China was afraid of him. North Korea was afraid of him. (...) He said Russia was afraid of him," he added.  

Trump also recalled Orban's words when he said "He said the most respected, most feared person is Donald Trump. We had no problems when Trump was president."

Hungary’s Orbán calls for tougher migration laws at Cernobbio Forum

Hungary's far-right Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has once again underscored his hardline stance on immigration, warning that migration threatens the European Union, Euronews reports. At the Cernobbio Forum on Friday, Orbán called for new laws to curb migration, describing it as a "corrosive" force within EU legislation.

“From 2014 until now, this has been a period of disintegration for the European Union,” Orbán said, arguing that the bloc is under strain due to migration-related issues.

Orbán, who has faced sharp criticism for his anti-immigration rhetoric outlined his three key priorities for Hungary’s upcoming six-month presidency of the EU, including tackling migration.  “We never let them in,” the Hungarian leader said. Following his speech, Orbán took to X to double down on his words saying "Let Hungary and others have an opt-out of the common migration policy."

Pro-government Hungarian journalist linked to Swedish neo-Nazi online store

A cross-border investigation by Vsquare revealed that a Hungarian pro-government journalist appeared in the customer database of Midgård, a Swedish online store known for selling Nazi propaganda and linked to the Nordic Resistance Movement (NMR). NMR, classified as Sweden’s largest neo-Nazi group, was designated a terrorist organization by the US State Department.

Midgård’s owner and CEO, Martin Flennfors, still runs the website despite his known affiliations with the NMR. According to a leaked customer database obtained by  Átlátszó, the journalist received multiple shipments of white power music, including works by Swedish neo-Nazi bands.

The journalist, who works for a media group close to the Hungarian government and has authored a book on the far-right, has reportedly been questioned by Hungary’s internal security agency, the Constitution Protection Office (AH). He defended his purchases, claiming the music was “legal CDs” obtained from a registered publisher.

Orban's spin doctor flew to Florida the same day the Hungarian PM arrived at Mar-a-Lago

Viktor Orban's non-official political advisor, Árpád Habony flew to Florida in a private jet registered in Malta on the same day that Viktor Orbán arrived at Donald Trump's residence in Mar-a-Lago, Radio Free Europe reports.

The luxury aircraft with Habony on board arrived in West Palm Beach on 7 March just a few hours before  Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó and Orbán. According to sources close to the GOP, the Hungarian crew also met with Donald Trump's advisers. The private plane is owned by Sparfell Malta Limited, which is part of Sparfell Aviation.

Orban's spin doctor has close ties to former US President Donald Trump's ex-ambassador David Cornstein since 2019. Cornstein lobbied last year to include Habony on Trump's campaign team, but advisers to the former president said they had "no plans" to hire him, A Republican congressional staffer told RFE "Orbán's name could hurt Trump's campaign". VSquare earlier reported that " Habony has recently been bragging in private about his trips to Florida, and alleged meetings with the Trump campaign team." Several sources close to the Hungarian government confirmed to RFE that Habony had met several times with the Republican campaign staff.