2022. március 3.
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán condemned Russia’s war waged against Ukraine, in a video posted on his Facebook page last Thursday.
2022. február 3.
Viktor Orbán meets Vladimir Putin in Moscow amid mounting tensions between Russian and the EU/NATO. Teachers stage a warning strike and Pegasus spyware used lawfully according to data protection watchdog
2021. május 20.
Hungary was the only of the EU's 27 member nations not to back the statement. Foreign Minister Szijjártó said such statements are "one-sided." This week's InsightHungary newsletter.
2021. április 29.
Poland, Slovakia and Czechia have all expelled Russian diplomats in response to an explosion at a Czech munitions depot blamed on a Russian military intelligence unit. This week's InsightHungary newsletter.
2021. január 21.
In its latest attack on LGBT rights, the government required the publisher to alert consumers if a book contains characters that "display patterns of behavior that differ from traditional gender roles." This week's InsightHungary newsletter.
2020. szeptember 25.
Imported and homespun modern disinformation campaigns - designed to confuse and disorient audiences - have led to polarization, political tribalism and shifting geopolitical dynamics. An interview with political scientist and disinformation expert Dr. Péter Krekó.